About Me

I'm a full-time graphic designer for Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium with areas of focus in branding, layout design, print production, and photography. My passion at work is designing educational graphics that command attention while telling the important story of animals and their conservation. I also volunteer for various animal conservation organizations including the Lemur Conservation Network, Cheetah Conservation Fund, and the Gorilla Species Survival Plan, in which I create designs for their digital communications and merchandise.

In 2022, my work was selected by the Gorilla Species Protection Program to serve as their new official logo. In 2024, I received an Award of Excellence for my photo submission titled "Ngoma Is His Name" to the Communication Arts 65th Photography Annual Competition.

I earned a BFA in Graphic Design from Bellevue University (2021) and an AAS in Photography from Metropolitan Community College (2013).

Occasionally, I take on freelance projects as a brand designer to find creative solutions for other small businesses. Outside of my design career, I enjoy spending lots of time outdoors with friends and family and run a small regenerative farm with my husband (carrittfarmsiowa.com).